During this festive fall weekend, I discovered…

Not all orange-hued foods are created equal.

For example, cantaloupe yogurt is not nearly as delicious as last weekend’s pumpkin pie yogurt discovery. 


What possessed me to purchase cantaloupe yogurt? I knew it’d either be amazing or disgusting, and—as usual—my culinary curiosity got the best of me. Unfortunately, it was the latter; there are certain flavors—like watermelon—that I love in their real fruit form but detest in any replicated version. I’m going to have to add cantaloupe into that category.

However, there is an orange flavor that, as of late, I am loving almost as much as pumpkin.


-My newest ginger addiction:


These are fantástico! Along with my calcium gummies and chocolates, I’m going to need to remind myself that these are not candy.

-In light of last week’s reflections of the unifying powers of food, I made several attempts to marry my current foodie obsessions.

For example:

Honey maple turkey and pickles:


-Cream cheese (veteran obsession) and vegan American cheese (amateur obsession):


-Spicy mustard balsamic dressing and honey maple turkey:


I’m sure you’re sick of the whole honey maple turkey enthusiasm by now—but, seriously, combined with this:


(which I am aware looks like vomit)

‘tis delightful!


Next, taking note of the fact that I’ve been doing some cheesy savory oats damage, I decided to foray into cheesy savory OAT BRAN.

Dare I say it was mejor than cheesy savory oats?


The Laughing Cow was infinitely more creamy and abundant in the oat bran version.


It was rather addicting.

By that, I mean numerous cheesy savory oat bran bowls were replicated throughout the weekend.


I also discovered that it is not only acceptable, but encouraged, to celebrate Thanksgiving on Halloween.


Turkey, spinach, brie and raspberry preserves on whole wheat toast.

So long as you do so on a pumpkin-imbued plate.


And do your best to make up for your wrong-holiday celebrations

by consuming muchos muchos Kit Kats.


…and going all-out with your costume.

halloween 09 

Yes, as many of you guessed, I was THE HAMBURGLAR.

                                  11441_572538401519_22804716_33550284_4735403_n hamburglar

“Robble, robble.”

I hope everyone had an amazing Halloween weekend! Por favor, dime: What’d you dress up as? What was the most creative costume you saw?
